
Dog Mom Lifestyle Inflation: What is It & How to Keep It in Check

Last week, I learned a new term: money dysmorphia. According to Bankrate, money dysmorphia is when your perception of your financial situation doesn’t represent reality. It’s a distorted view of your finances. Dr. Lanre Dokun, psychiatrist and founder of Healthy Minds NYC, states that money dysmorphia is a form of anxiety triggered by self-comparison. It’s

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How Much Can I Really Save By Cooking At Home

As a dog mom, I learned very early that, well…shhh…Sugar happens. It’s important to be prepared for those “Are you kidding me?” moments. Like the time Sugar leaped off the couch and hurt her paw, which led to an unexpected visit to the vet (and a bill). I decided that I needed to save for

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Monthly Dish: Peach Watermelon Mint Pupcakes

It’s June and this month is all about being intentional.  Intentional with my time, my life, and my money.  Speaking of money, USA Today published an article stating that 91% of pet parents feel financial stress over the cost of pet ownership. With the summer season upon us, expenses like pet accommodation fees, travel gear,

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Monthly Dish: Mama’s Pearl Pupcakes

May is Dog Mom’s Day.  Dog Mom’s Day is always the 2nd Saturday of May.  It was started to celebrate and thank the women in our lives that love dogs.  This includes dog moms, foster dog moms, dog grand moms, and future dog moms who give love to pups every day.  And yes.  This includes

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