I love to dance.
In fact, if I wasn’t baking pupcakes, I’d probably be a famous dancer. You know. Performing on television and on the stage just like all the famous pups out there. Trust me. This pup knows how to barking werk it.
I honestly think I get it from my human. Dancing is something we definitely have in common. There have been many nights where she and I have been barking and dancing around the house to that loud music playing from her cell phone.
I love dancing so much that I make sure to incorporate it into my pupcake business. Where do you think the term Pupcake Soul comes from? Music in the kitchen and a little two paw step surely makes the pupcakes taste better. So, you better believe that while those pupcakes are in the oven, I’m dancing around the kitchen to some music playing in the background. In the words of Paulo Coelho…
When you dance you can enjoy the luxury of being you.
Actually, most of my memorable dance moments involve a kitchen and some sort of pupcake. Like the time my BFFs and I decided to jam out to a few Christmas tunes while baking a few pupcakes. Or, the time my BFF, Cynn, caught me barking into a spoon while my pupcakes were in the oven. And, how can I forget all the times my human decided to give me a treat after we both tuckered ourselves out from dancing around the house like two jumping beans.
The point is that dancing is one of my loves. Like most pups, I always have my go to dance moves. So, here are five of my favorite dance moves. And, yes. These moves do go well with pupcakes. But, doesn’t everything?
The head nod is a classic. You don’t even have to move from your comfortable seat on the couch. All you need to do is bob your head up and down to the beat of the music. And, because it’s so simple you won’t lose your rhythm while you’re indulging in a pupcake or two.
This move is for that moment when you really feel the beat of the music. It’s for those moments when you’re out with your BFFs and you want to keep it cute and classy while you give into your urge to move to the beat. All you have to do is put one paw in the air “and wave it like you just don’t care.” Ok. That was corny. However, it’s still the perfect move while you party and eat pupcakes at the same time. Look at it this way. While you’ve got one paw in the air, you can still hold these Piña Colada Pupcakes with the other one.
Sometimes the beat just hits you and you have to go for it. Every pup werks that tail now and then. All you got to do is bend over and wag that tail back and forth. I wouldn’t recommend eating pupcakes and werking that tail at the same time. That could get pretty messy. However, if you’re looking for a good exercise to burn off those pupcake calories werking that tail is perfect. I mean, really. Have you ever taken a tail werk-shop? I’m out of breath just thinking about it.
If you’re the type of pup that loves to make an entrance, the bark slide is perfect. All you have to do is slide from one side of the floor to the other. This is also good for those pups who don’t have the best rhythm. You don’t necessarily have to catch a beat with this move. However, be careful. If you slide too fast you’ll definitely tumble and fall, which can be a bit embarrassing if there’s some cute pup watching.
Sometimes you gotta show these pups how it’s done. All you gotta do is get down on the floor and wiggle it. I often find it amazing how my human always seems to think I want a belly rub when I do this. Nope. I’m just practicing my wiggle. However, make sure you stretch a little first. This way you don’t pull a muscle by accident.
Most pups have a go-to move when they’re out on the pup dance floor. And for those pups that claim they don’t dance, I’ll bet you they dance a little the minute they’re about to eat a pupcake. That’s one thing I love about pups. We definitely dance when the pupcakes come.
Honestly, I’ve learned a lot of my pup dance moves from watching other pups do their thing. So, I’d love to hear from you.
What’s your favorite pup dance move? And, what song do you love to do it to?
Please share in the comment box below.