Anyone watch Pupcake Wars last night?
Yep. That was me. I had to figure out some way to get back into the swing of things. After three months of social distancing, it was time to shake things up a bit. So, I thought…”How about trying out for Pupcake Wars? What’ve you got to lose?”
“Crazy idea?” Maybe. But, I absolutely live for a “crazy idea.” Don’t quote me, but I believe it’s written in the pup business owner handbook. “Must love and go after crazy ideas.”
Plus, the worse thing they could say was no. Fortunately, for me, they said yes. And before I knew it, there I was in a room full of lights and cameras sharing my pupcake recipes with pups from all over the world.
Pupcake Wars was not only a way to promote my pup business and get back to what I love, but it was also my way of tapping back into my creative spirit. Being on the show was a fantastic experience.
However, this challenge didn’t come easy. I was competing with pups who’ve been baking pupcakes for years. They’ve written pupcake recipe books and have their own signature dishes. They’ve studied and learned the techniques of world renowned pupcake bakers, and I was self-taught in my kitchen.
I was so nervous when the challenge started that I literally dropped a whole bag of flour on the floor, which does make for good television. However, in the words of Gina Carey…
A strong woman looks a challenge in the eye and gives it a wink.
So, that’s what I did. I tightened my apron strings, rolled up my sleeves and baked my little heart out. I put my heart and soul into these Apple Pupcakes With Peanut Butter Cream Frosting and ended up (spoiler alert) winning the competition. “Crazy idea” achieved.
However, with any challenge, there’s always a few thoughts that go through my mind. It’s almost like my “crazy idea” ritual. It usually means I’m on the right track. If I don’t say one of these things at least once, I get worried.
This phrase comes to mind right after the enthusiasm wears off and I realize all the work that goes into pursuing whatever “crazy idea” I’ve concocted. It’s that “oh s**t” moment when I can’t turn back and gotta push through it. Like when the lights come on and you hear the pup in the director’s chair woof “ACTION.”
Or, two weeks. Four days. Six hours. There’s always a deadline and a buzzer telling you that there’s a task that needs to be completed. When you’re in your zone, that time seems to fly by. And, if you’re like me, you work right up to the buzzer. I could always use more time when working to meet my “crazy idea” deadline. Especially, when three judges are about to critique your Apple Pupcakes With Peanut Butter Cream Frosting on national television.
Short answer. “Yes.” However, I would be lying if I said that the thought hasn’t come across my mind as soon as the host yells “times up!” Especially, when you start questioning whether you should’ve gone with Banana Spinach Pupcakes instead. However, I’ve learned that your first decision is always the perfect one in the moment. The trick is to listen to your heart and trust your gut. They’ll never fail you.
Presentation is everything. And, having the right materials to make your “crazy idea” shine is always a must. It never fails, when I’m setting up for the final reveal I always think that I could’ve done something different. Truthfully, I’m my own worst critic. Aren’t we all? But, the irony is no matter what we should’ve brought with us, we always make our “crazy idea” work. Like how I would’ve used my branded pupcake toppers if I didn’t leave them home.
I’ve gotten to this point many times. It’s the moment where I get so overwhelmed that I think about giving up on my entire “crazy idea” altogether. And, like magic. The moment I bark those words I get a burst of creativity to turn everything around. Like how I got the idea to add a little…whoops! Almost caught myself slipping. There’s no way I’m giving you the secret ingredient to my peanut butter cream.
We all go through challenges, but they make us stronger. However, I’d be lying if I said that I never had a few doubtful moments during those challenging times. That’s why I’ve accepted these phrases as a part of my “crazy idea” ritual.
As long as you don’t give into them, they’ll never really be an issue. So, I’d love to hear from you.
What phrases are a part of your “crazy idea” ritual?
Please share in the comment box below.
Oh. If you’re a “crazy idea” enthusiast like me, you’re probably in the middle of one or contemplating taking on a new one. So, here are 3 Ways to Turn Peanuts into Pupcakes.