5 Ways to Support Your Friend’s New Pet Business

New Pet Business

Starting a new pet business can be exciting.  It takes courage, drive, and passion to decide to turn that “crazy idea” you’ve been thinking about into a business. But what if you don’t have a pet?  Here are five ways you can support your friends’ new pet business, even if you don’t have a pet.


Most business are active on social media.  And one of the biggest strategies to build a presence or buzz about a pet business is through social media.  So, follow your friend’s social media pages.  Like and comment on their pages as often as you can.  It helps to build engagement for your friend’s pet business page, which will help your friend’s page come up on other potential customers’ social media feeds.


Some of the best advertisement is word of mouth.  So, if you know someone who has a pet, recommend your friend’s businesses to them.  Also, have a 1 to 2-sentence summary elevator pitch about your friend’s pet business.  This way you can give a high-level overview about your friend’s pet business when you’re making the recommendation.


If you know someone that would be a good business connect for your friend’s pet business, make an introduction.  For instance, if you know a graphic designer, lawyer, business coach, or any other person who can help your friend grow her business, make the connection.  Business is all about building relationships.  So, the more people your friend has in her network, the more opportunities your friends will have to grow her business and make it successful.


Any new entrepreneur will tell you that start-up costs can be expensive.  So, if there’s ever an opportunity to give a gift to your friend, think of a product, service, resource, or even a gift card that your friend may need to help with those start-up costs.  The gift doesn’t have to be huge, but a small token is always nice to give.  Think of it like a business shower gift.


Be your friend’s advocate for self-care.  When you’re starting a business, there’s so much to do.  Most of the time, you’re doing a lot of things on your own.  So, it’s easy to ignore taking care of yourself.  However, you can’t pour from an empty cup.  So, it’s important to hold your friend accountable on practicing self-care.  She’ll be better able to run her business.

What are some ways you support your friend’s pet business?  Stay connected and share your pupcake stories with us @pupcakesugar.

Also, baking your dog treats is not only self-care, but It’s also a great way to add some flavor to your pet business.  Check out our Pupcakes page or one of our recipe books for fun recipes to try at home with the dog you love.

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Author: SMCountley

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Pupcake Sugar is more than a place for your creativity to flourish. It’s an experience. And, most importantly, it’s a self-care vibe.