What happens when another pup takes the wind out of your sails?
When all of your enthusiasm about a project is met with a…”meh?” Or, your vision for your new endeavor gets lost in the perception based on what every other pup is doing.
Let me explain. Remember when I shared that I was the first pup to share her pupcake recipes online. It was definitely met with a lot of resistance from other pup bakers. However, after my Pupcake Sugar website was a success, a lot of other pup bakers in my community decided to build their presence online as well.
It was great seeing the new-found success that other pup bakers were having. I marveled at the fact that pups had started to nickname Philadelphia, “Pupcake-adelphia.” The pupcake bakers in the community even started getting together for pup brainstorming sessions to help us all improve our online paw prints.
In fact, we pup bakers had all been so successful online, I thought it would be cool to take it a step further.
Since the Pupcake Sugar online experience was launched, I’d gotten so many messages from pups across the country asking if they could purchase my pupcakes online. They loved reading the stories and testing out the recipes. However, they also wanted to taste some of those pupcake specialties that are only offered at the real Pupcake Sugar.
I was flattered by the interest. But, due to time and resources, I refused to sell my pupcakes online. It was just too much at the time.
After about a year of steady Pupcake Sugar online growth, I decided that now was the time to put a plan together to sell my pupcakes online. It was an awesome idea and a great way to help pups who can’t make it to Pupcake Sugar get the actual experience in their own home.
I spent months putting a plan together. I worked out everything from the pupcake packaging to shipping to the costs associated with purchase. I determined how many orders I could actually fill, and strategized a marketing campaign around that.
Let’s be real. There’s only so many shipping orders Pupcake Sugar can handle right now. And, I want to make sure every pup who purchases online to have an awesome experience. I even managed to build a contingency plan in case the Pup Office wasn’t able to ship my orders.
As I shared my idea at our pup bakers brainstorming session, I was surprised when I was met with unenthused stares and confusion. Not to mention the ruffs and snickers some pups gave me under their dog breath. One pup barked out loud…
“That’s great, but it’ll never work. It’s too expensive and it’ll be impossible for you to manage.”
I felt completely deflated. All my hard work seemed like a waist. I mean, what’s the point of trying if every other pup thinks it’ll never work. I began to think they were right. And my pup mind started spinning with thoughts that this was impossible and will probably be a complete waste of my time.
So, I did the one thing I do whenever I need to rethink every decision. I went home and took a nap.
Afterwards, my pup brain was a little clearer. I thought to myself, “When have I ever let another pup tell me what’s impossible?” And, “Those pups are just projecting their own fears about their business on to me.” Plus, in the words of Walt Disney…
It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.
And, that’s what I decided to do. I was going to move forward with my plan. If it worked, I’d proven to myself, and other pups, that the impossible can be done. If it didn’t work, all I’d have to do is revamp, revise and develop a new strategy for Pupcake Sugar based on what I’ve learned.
So, back to my original question. What do you do when some pup takes the wind out of your sails? Take a nap. Get up. Remind yourself of how amazing you are and why you started. Then, have fun achieving the “impossible.”
These Sweet Potato and Cranberry Pupcakes are dedicated taking on the “impossible” despite what the world tells you.
And of course, we believe that every pupcake has a love story. So, while your favorite pup is PUPPY LOVIN’ on these pupcakes, we’d love to hear from you.
Have you ever achieved the “impossible?” How did it make you feel? Or, what “impossible task would you like to achieve next?
Please share your pupcake story in the box below.
Checkout the recipe below
After you’ve tried this recipe please share it with us @pupcakesugar on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or all three. We’d love to see how they turned out for you.
- 12 - 14 Mini Pupcakes
Sweet Potato Cranberry Pupcakes
- 1/2 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
- 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
- 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
- 1/4 Cup Pureed Sweet Potatoes
- 1/3 Cup Plain Yogurt
- 1 Egg
- 1/4 Cup Cranberries
Yogurt Frosting (Optional)
- 1/4 Cup Plain Yogurt
- 36-42 Cranberries (Garnish)
For Sweet Potato Cranberry Pupcakes
- 1Preheat oven to 350° F. Line 12 – 14 1.75-inch mini-muffin pan with paper bake cups and set aside.
- 2In small bowl mix together, flour and baking powder. Set aside.
- 3In a large mixing bowl add olive oil, pureed sweet potatoes, yogurt and egg. Beat on medium speed about 2 minutes or until combined.
- 4Add dry ingredients into the mixture and blend for approximately 2 minutes until well mixed.
- 5Stir in cranberries.
- 6Fill each cupcake liner with 1 tablespoon of pupcake mix.
- 7Bake pupcakes for 12 minutes. Pupcakes are done when you can stick a toothpick into the cake and it comes out clean. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack.
- 8Spread 1 teaspoon of yogurt frosting onto the pupcakes (optional)
- 9Add 3 cranberries on each pupcake for garnish (optional)
For Yogurt Frosting
- 1Scoop 1 teaspoon of yogurt frosting
- 2Spread 1 teaspoon of yogurt frosting onto the pupcakes (optional)
- 3Add 3 cranberries on each pupcake for garnish (optional)
Pupcake Sugar in no way provides any warranty, express or implied, relating to any recipes on this website. The recipes are based on Sugar’s personal experiences with them. Please be aware that your pup may have allergies or other conditions that may make the recipes not suitable for their lifestyle— consult with your vet as needed or roll with your judgment as the pet parent in charge. Pupcake Sugar is not liable for upset tummies or any other outcomes of experimenting with our recipes on this site.