What My Mama Taught Me About Baking Pupcakes

Mama's Lessons on Baking

What did my mama teach me about baking?  Starting from scratch is an opportunity to create something amazing.  Baking is a love language and a chance to enjoy the journey.  It’s also another way to pass down our legacy from one generation to the next.  She also taught me that baking is a science.  And once you understand the science, baking can become an art.  So, here’s a quick science lesson for today with six ingredients that you’ll find in almost all of my pupcake recipes.


Flour is the foundation of every single pupcake recipe.  The proteins, starch, and gluten in flour give the pupcake structure.  In other words, it takes that liquid batter into a solid cake.


Olive oil helps with the texture and helps makes the pupcake more tender.  It also contributes to the “fluffiness” of the pupcake and helps enhance the flavor.  In other words, it keeps that pupcake from tasting dry.


Eggs also contribute to the texture of the pupcake.  While olive oil helps make it tender, the eggs act as a leaving agent to add to the pupcake’s light texture.  Egg yolks act as an emulsifier to add to the smoothness of the pupcake.  Basically, these eggs keep that pupcake moist.


I use yogurt, water, or applesauce in most of my pupcake recipes as the liquid.  The recipe liquid carries the flavor throughout the pupcake.  It also reacts with the protein and gluten bonds from the flour as well as contributes to the pupcake’s tenderness.  In other words, the liquid is what keeps all your pupcakes tasting the same.


Baking powder forms CO2 held by fat pockets, gluten, and start to make the pupcake rise.  Basically, the baking powder helps that those pupcakes evolve from a batter to an actual cake.  Also, note that baking powder and baking soda are two different things.  I use baking powder for my recipes.


There are several fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, and other ingredients I’ve used to create pupcake recipes.  When combined with the previous elements, each flavor gives a pupcake its own twist.  In other words, this is where pupcake baking turns from a science to your artistic love expression.

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Author: SMCountley

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Pupcake Sugar is more than a place for your creativity to flourish. It’s an experience. And, most importantly, it’s a self-care vibe.