
The Dog Mom’s Guide to Owning Her Soft Life Era

Before you read any further remember, the soft life is a verb.  Self-Care is a routine.  Joy is a practice we create on our own.  And, if we want to own our soft life era, we have to work smarter not harder. Let’s face it ya’ll.  We’re ambitious.  Like most of us, there’ve been times

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Monthly Dish: Zucchini Peanut Butter Pupcakes

Fresh starts are amazing.  They’re the chance to create your own rules and write your own story.  Don’t get me wrong.  Fresh starts always lead to a few learning curves.  But, the ride can lead to something beautiful.  Fresh starts are the chance to use what you have right in front of you and create

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Monthly Dish: Blueberry Oatmeal Muffin Pupcakes

Joy is a practice.  And, I’m intentionally finding new ways to practice it every day.  Like this past Sunday.  It rained all day, so Sugar and I spent most of the day snuggled up on the couch binge watching Netflix while I finished washing my clothes.  I’d plan to bake some pupcakes, but Sugar and

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Monthly Dish: Apple Peanut Butter Pupcakes

I never thought I’d be blogging about baking pupcakes.  And I certainly never thought I’d turn my pupcake recipes into stories inspired by toy poodle, Sugar.  But, here we are.  Baking pupcakes and creating new stores one recipe at a time.  Through every recipe I’ve found a new way to express my creativity and Sugar’s

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How to Bake Honey Granola Pupcakes

These Honey Granola Pupcakes are inspired by my go-to breakfast bar on the run.  The honey makes the pupcakes sweet.  The cinnamon makes the smell irresistible.  And, the peanut butter makes it perfect for the dog who absolutely loves peanut butter. Trying these Honey Granola Pupcakes with your dog?  We’d love to hear about it. 

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