The Dog Mom’s Guide to Owning Her Soft Life Era

The Dog Mom’s Guide to Owning Her Soft Life Era

Before you read any further remember, the soft life is a verb.  Self-Care is a routine.  Joy is a practice we create on our own.  And, if we want to own our soft life era, we have to work smarter not harder.

Let’s face it ya’ll.  We’re ambitious.  Like most of us, there’ve been times when I’ve refused to sit my behind down and rest.  Especially, when there’s a deadline or a to-do list that seems to grow daily.  But, becoming a dog mom to my toy poodle, Sugar, unintentionally changed all that.

Suddenly there were cozy snuggles on the couch, daily walks outside, and wagging tails with excited Sugar hops when I walked through the door.  Before I knew it, Sugar and I were enjoying our soft life together.  And surprisingly, I felt like I was knocking things off my to-do list much quicker.  So, in this 3-step guide, I’m sharing a few ways you can own your soft life era by spending time with the dog you love.


The “soft life” isn’t another buzzword, hashtag, or trending topic.  Your soft life is that vibe you put on daily.  So, wear it wisely.  The term “soft life” or “soft life era” originated from the Nigerian influencer community and is defined as living a life of comfort while eliminating stress.  But, my life; my rules; my definition.  So, I define my soft life as having peace of mind, even during time of uncertainty.  And before you own it, the first step is to define what your soft life era is for you.


A soft life without self-care doesn’t exist.  So, the second step in owning your soft life era is to make self-care a requirement.  So, get cozy with adding it to your daily routine.  No excuses.  There are five elements in my self-care playbook.  I include at least one of these elements in my routine daily.


“Breathe, shake, stretch, let it go.”  Bonus points if you actually did the dance to go along with it.  Finding time to exercise, move your body, and get active helps us find our rhythm, strength, and flow.  Exercising improves brain, heart, and all-around physical health for our bodies.  And, remember to pay attention to diet and nutrition.  It helps you move better.


Our thoughts can either energize us or drain us.  I work hard to tap into the thoughts that bring me good energy.  The thoughts and information we feed to our minds are powerful. They affect how we think, feel, and act in any given situation.  So, it’s important to keep our thoughts in check to avoid room for distraction.


Creating a money plan is self-care.  Our budgets, savings, and money obligations all play a part in how we take care of ourselves.  In fact, money is one of the top stressors that people have.  So, invest in yourself, build a plan, and work that plan until you reach your goal.


Laughter is good for the soul.  Especially, if we’re doing it with the ones we love.  Positive relationships are essential to our self-care.  They become our support system, which we all need.  Build meaningful relationships with people (and dogs) that uplift you, cares for you, and add value to your life.  You’ll be at home, not matter where you are in the world.


Find your center.  Our confidence comes our beliefs, principles, and values that guide you.  It’s what gives you purpose and joy.  It forces us to look inward and listen to our needs.  Our confidence is where we trust, we flourish, and find our peace of mind.


Create the vibe.  Check.  Get cozy.  Check.  Now it’s time for you to be the vibe, sis.  Living a soft-life is a commitment, discipline, a promise we make to ourselves daily.  So, why not have fun getting creative with it.  And by fun, I mean finding ways to incorporate it into what we do every day.  Spend time with our dogs.  Here are some “ingredients” to help you create your own soft life recipe.



Walk It Out

Take a walk with your dog.  It’s a great way to get some exercise and little vitamin D.  It’s also a good way to get a change of scenery and disconnect from staring at the screen.  Walks can be as long or as short as you and your dog like.  Sugar loves a good walk.  On a really nice day, I’ll even let Sugar’s nose lead the way.  It gives her a chance to sniff around and me a chance to be outside longer.

Play Around

Play catch, tug of war, run, or play a game with your dog.  It’s another great way for both you and your dog to get a chance to move around.  And if you don’t feel like going outside, dancing to some music with your dog is a great way to exercise with your dog.  Some areas have classes, such as Doga (yoga with your dog), for you to take.  That’s another great activity to play around with your dog if you’re interested in trying it.

Schedule Wellness Check-ups

People aren’t the only ones that should get regular wellness check-ups.  Schedule regular wellness check-ups for your dog.  I find that Sugar’s check-ups are in sync with mine.  So, while I’m making my appointments, I make her.  The goal is to make sure both of us gets the proper wellness check-ups to keep us healthy.

Hydrate & Watch Your Treats

Drinking water and eating the right food is important for you and your dog.  So, make sure you and your dog are drinking water daily.  I also try to give Sugar green treats (broccoli, spinach, etc.). And yes, she gets pupcakes, but I make sure I monitor the number of snacks she’s eating.

Schedule A Pamper Your Dog Day

It’s a great idea to pamper yourself and your dog from time to time.  A day at the spa for you and one for your dog works you don’t have to go to the same place.  However, if a spa day isn’t an option, petting your dog is a great alternative.  Not only will your dog love a good belly rub, but petting a dog can have a positive impact on your health.  Petting a dog can lower blood pressure, heart rate, slow breathing, and relax muscle tension.



Create A Routine

Sugar is all about a routine.  She gets up at a certain time, goes to bed at a certain time, and usually is ready to eat and the same time each day.  Her routine has helped me get on one.  Her routine keeps me on my toes.  Having a routine allows me to get more things done.  It also makes it easier to adjust as needed if something changes.

Bake Pupcakes

Baking is a great way to practice self-care.  The step-by-step process makes baking more mindful as you’re focusing on the recipe.  Between the kneading, mixing, measuring, and decorating, the repetition can be calming.  The aroma from the spices can also be a great way to boost your mood.  Plus, baking a few pupcakes for your dog is a great way to spend time together.

Capture Your Dog’s Shenanigans

Sugar is hilarious.  So, I started writing down her shenanigans on a whim.  Writing them down not only gave me a chance to refocus after a long day, but also gave me a chance to tap into my creativity.  So, I encourage you to write down, take pictures, or shoot video of your dog’s shenanigans.  The shenanigans you capture are not only an instant way to relax, but also a great way to see where your creativity can take you.

Snuggle With Your Dog

I’m always down for a good snuggle with Sugar.  Especially after a long day at work.  Laying on the couch with your dog will force you to sit down and rest.  Because once that dog gets on your lap, the unwritten rule is that you don’t move until they’re ready.  So, might as well get a nap out of it.

Create Boundaries

Sugar is a people dog, but doesn’t like when other dogs get too close to her “territory.” She’s got boundaries.  So, learn from Sugar.  She owns what’s hers and doesn’t let any dog (or human for that matter) step across that line.  And, if you do she has no problem letting you know that she’s uncomfortable and not having it.



Create A Monthly Budget

Having a dog is a huge responsibility.  It can also get expensive.  So, it’s a great idea to plan for it.  Creating a monthly budget can help you map out your financial responsibilities for your dog.  Honestly, it helped me put my own budget in check, including adding a savings fund or insurance.  It also will give you a sense of control.  Especially, when those unexpected expenses pop up.

Create A Savings Plan

Speaking of unexpected expenses.  Establishing a savings plan really helps you manage some of those unexpected expenses when they pop up.  Whether you choose to open a savings account specifically for your dog or put a few extra dollars away for a rainy day, having a something extra can reduce the some of those financial worries when the unexpected happens.

Establish A Treat Budget

Establish a treat budget.  There have been times when I’ve been in the store and bought Sugar a toy while standing in line.  I didn’t plan on it, but that toy was cute and I felt like she deserved a treat.  So, I built that into my budget too.  The point is to make sure that you find ways to treat yourself.

Consider Pet Insurance

Life is full of “What if’s?”  What if I have to take my dog to the vet?  What if she needs shots?  What if she jumps down too hard on her paw and starts limping (Yes, that’s happened).  Pet insurance is a health plan that covers veterinary expenses for your dog.  It’s helped me managed some of those “What if?” moments.

Keep Your Dogs Records

Keep your dog’s information and files in one place.  Whether it’s in a file folder or electronic folder, make sure you can access the records easily and quickly.  Between shots, insurance coverage, state licenses, and other important information about your dog, you’ll have a lot of information to store.  You never know when you’ll need them.  It’ll help you keep everything organized.



Create A Pup Date

Meet up with a fellow dog parent with your dogs.  It’s not only a great way to get your dog out of the house, but it also allows you to get out and socialize.  Plus, having a few dog parents in your circle, allows you to build your network which will help for dog service referrals.

Hand Out A Few Pupcakes

Someone I knew decided to bake a few pupcakes and hand them out at the dog park for her dog’s birthday.  Not only did she get a chance to try out a new recipe, but she also got a chance to make another dog’s (and dog mom’s) day by adding a little joy.  Sometimes the greatest joy is being able to be a joy to someone else.

Share Your Dog’s Shenanigans On Social Media

Dog videos and pictures are always fun for people to watch.  Even for those people that don’t have dogs, they can experience the joy of yours.

Join A Dog Club

Joining a network of dog parents is another great way to expand your network and find your dog some new friends to play with.

Talk About Your Dog

Don’t be afraid to talk about your dog to other people.  People’s faces tend to light up when they get a chance to share a cute or funny story about their pet.  So, when someone asks (or doesn’t ask) don’t be afraid to share.  It’ll give you a chance to release more positive energy into the world.  You may also share something that may help someone else with their dog.



Mediate With Your Dog

Have your dog sit with you while you take a few moments to meditate.  Dogs are great at relaxation and most of them will have no problems sitting right next to you while you meditate.  Some dogs, like Sugar, may even opt to sit in your lap.  Now, you may have to teach your dog not to sniff in your face while meditating, but she’ll settle in once you two get used to it.

Create A Space For Your Dog

Although Sugar loves to sit in my lap, there are times she wants to be alone.  She needs her own space to relax.  Create a space for your dog to do so.  A bed with some fun pillows.  This not only gives you a chance to get creative, but it also gives your dog a space to call her own.  We all need that.

Read To Your Dog

Every dog mom knows that their dog is listening to them when they talk.  So, why not read a few affirmations out loud to your dog.  You not only get the benefit of daily affirmation.  But, you get the joy of watching your dog respond.  I’ll tell you.  Dogs will cheer you on louder than ever.

Celebrate Yourself With Your Dog

Get excited with your dog, even if it’s for no reason at all.  If you start celebrating and getting excited with yourself, your dog will follow suit.

Speak Positively To Your Dog

Sugar loves when people give her positive attention.  When they offer her a treat or tell her how cute she is.  There have even been times when people have waved to her through the car window.  She eats it all up.  But, positive reinforcement is good for her and me.  It helps me frame my comments carefully and gets Sugar to respond quicker.  I’ve also noticed how it helps me lean on more positive phrases as opposed to negative in my own life.

How are you showing up in your soft life era?  We’d love to hear about it.  Stay connected and share your soft life experiences with us @pupcakesugar.

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Author: SMCountley

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About Pupcake Sugar

Pupcake Sugar is more than a place for your creativity to flourish. It’s an experience. And, most importantly, it’s a self-care vibe.