How to Build a Welcome Package for a Dog Mom Moving into a New Home

Dog Mom Welcome Package

A welcome package is a collection of items and information designed to introduce the recipient to a company, organization, community, or service.  And for a dog mom moving into her new place, it’s a great resource to help her turn that place into a home.

So, this blog post is a guide to help you create a welcome package for those dog moms moving into their new homes this year.


Moving into a new place is always an experience.  There are so many decisions to make.  As a dog mom, any decision I make about moving include how it effects Sugar.

In fact, the 2021 Pet-Inclusive Report stated that pet friendliness is second only to budget on a wish list for new rental housing.  The study also reported that residents in pet-friendly units stayed 21% longer than non-pet-friendly units.  Here are four of the many amenities that dog moms consider when deciding on a place to live.

Pet-Friendly Neighborhood – Dog moms want pet-friendly amenities. Amenities include, but are not limited to, dog parks, walking trails, and community events for dog owners.  It also includes pet-friendly cafes and shops as well as a community that values and accommodates dog owners.  These amenities also give dog moms an opportunity to be out and meet people in the neighborhood, which is important when you’re the new family on the block.

Safe and Secure Outdoor Space – Sugar loves to lay in the sun and catch some Vitamin D. She also loves to roam outside at least once a day.  Most dogs love to get outside for some exercise.  So, a safe and secure outdoor space (even if it’s a shared space) is usually a must.

Proximity to Veterinary Services and Pet Care – Pet care is essential. Having access to veterinary services, a grooming salon, and other care facilities is extremely important.  I want to make sure that Sugar can get the care she needs when she needs it.

Dog-Friendly Home Features – Yes. Sugar has her own area in the house.  Most fur babies do.  So, having a home with dog-friendly design features is always a plus.  Features like hard-surfaced flooring for easier cleaning, an area or mudroom to clean paws, or even a designated area for a dog to sleep are all good dog-friendly amenities for the house.


So, what should go into these welcome packages?  Well, it depends on the dog mom.  However, the key is to give dog moms some resources to help feel like they are home.  Here are five ideas to get you started.

Local Places to Walk – Provide information on nearby dog parks, regular parks, or areas to walk your dog. Walking your dog is not only a great way to get some exercise, but it’s also a great way to explore the neighborhood and socialize your dog in the new area.

List of Pet Services in the Area – This list includes contacts for local veterinarians, groomers, pet sitters, and doggy daycare facilities. This serves as a great resource because it gives dog moms quick access to essential services for their dog’s health and care.

Homemade Pupcake Recipe – A pupcake recipe adds a personal touch to the welcome package. Baking is a great way to relax and bond with your dog, which makes it a perfect activity to celebrate moving into your new home.

New Dog Toy – Packing and unpacking is a lot of work. Especially, if you have a dog like Sugar who loves to explore boxes as you open them.  So, a new toy is fun, but sneaky way to keep a dog occupied while you get your packing done.

Personalized Dog Items – Personalized items like tags or bowls with the dog’s name not only add a unique touch but also help in making the dog feel at home in the new environment. It also shows that you recognize her dog as a part of the family, which will really show her that you care.


A welcome package can be an amazing marketing tool for your business.  It’s not only a way for you to connect with your dog mom customers, but it’s also a way to build your business network.

Highlight Pet-Friendly Amenities in Listings and Photos – In property listings, clearly highlight any dog-friendly amenities like a fenced yard, nearby dog parks, or built-in pet features. Include photos and videos (if available). It helps dog moms visualize how the property meets both her and her dog’s need.  For sellers, it positions their property as ideal for dog owners, potentially increasing interest, and value.

Host Dog-Friendly Open Houses – Organize open houses where potential buyers can bring their dogs. This allows dog moms to see firsthand how their pet might adapt to the new space. If this isn’t an option, stage the home with dog-friendly décor like dog beds, toy baskets, etc.  You can also have pupcakes available for dog moms to take home as a treat for their dog.

Promote Local Pet Services and Community – Highlight information about local pet services and community events in marketing materials and property listing. It gives dog moms more information about the neighborhood and how it will work for their dogs’ needs.

Feature Interior Design Opportunities for Pets – Emphasize potential interior design features that cater to pets, like under-stair dog nooks, pet-friendly flooring, or special feeding stations. This appeals to dog moms by showing the home’s potential to be customized for pet comfort.

Utilize Social Media and Dog-Friendly Platforms – Engage with potential buyers by showcasing the property’s dog-friendly features on social media and pet-centric platforms. Create posts or virtual tours highlighting aspects that make the property appealing to dog moms. This strategy broadens the reach to a targeted audience.


Cooking or baking in my new home usually won’t happen until the boxes are unpacked.  Well, at least the boxes that have my pots, pans, and everything else that goes in my kitchen.  So, baking in a new home is like a reward because it’s when I feel like things are in order. These Apple Oatmeal Muffin Pupcakes are simple, which make them perfect for your dog mom welcome package.  The recipe comes straight from Sugar’s Dish: My Start from Scratch Story & 10 “Easy As Pupcake” Recipes to Try at Home.

Apple Oatmeal Muffin Pupcakes


Every welcome package has some standard materials and information, but adding a personal note to the welcome package goes a long way.  A quick message in a card congratulating a dog mom on her new home goes a long way.  Especially, if you include her dog’s name in the card too.  This personal touch to your welcome package is inexpensive and it’s a nice way to stand out from competitors because it shows that you took the time to care.

Creating a dog mom welcome package is a great way to answer some of those preliminary questions we all have when moving to a new home.  Whether it’s moving to a new city or a new zip code in the city you already live in, dog-friendly amenities will be an important part of a dog mom’s moving decision.  A welcome package helps is a great way to help a dog mom turn her new space into a home for her and the dog she loves.  And we’d love to hear from you.

What do you include in your welcome package?  Or, what would you find helpful in a welcome package for your move?  Please share your stories with us at @pupcakesugar.

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Author: SMCountley

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About Pupcake Sugar

Pupcake Sugar is more than a place for your creativity to flourish. It’s an experience. And, most importantly, it’s a self-care vibe.