I’ve learned a lot of things over the last several weeks.
I’ve learned how to do a facial. I’ve learned a few ways to invest my nudges. And, I’ve even learned a few new pup dance moves to try out at the next #ClubQuarantine. However, the biggest learning curve for me was realizing that I have a lot of fur.
Ok. Not that I didn’t know that I had a lot of fur before. However, social distancing has given me a lot more time to reconnect with this cinnamon-apricot fur of mine.
You see. One of the highlights of my week was going to get my fur fluffed. It’s like therapy. Every Saturday, you can catch me in my stylist’s chair barking up a storm. It was the one time where I could kick my paws up and relax while all of the stressors from my week were washed away in the sink.
However, the sudden state of affairs changed my weekly plans in what seemed like overnight.
Just like that every salon, including mine, was closed. And, there I was with a lot of fur and no one to actually style it for me. Like most pups, I had one of two choices. I could walk around looking like the shaggy dog. Or, I could figure out how to style my hair myself.
I chose the latter. Yes, I was stuck in the house. However, there was no way I was going to a virtual yappy hour with my BFF’s with my fur looking all crazy.
So, I spent the next few weeks learning the intricacies of my fur. Understanding every curl, every coil and every stray gray hair. And although I had a few mis-steps and a few not so pleasant moments with the blow dryer, I finally got the hang of things. In the words of J. Cole…
It’s beauty in the struggle…
And, believe me. The struggle was definitely real. Do you know how many YapTube fur tutorials I watched to get my fur right? Or, the number of times I barked my stylist with a question? Thank goodness for these Sweet Potato Pupcakes With Peanut Butter Cream Frosting to get me through.
But honestly, this unexpected hassle turned out to be one of the greatest learning experiences. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be happy to get to my stylist again. However, this experience turned a time of uncertainty into 4 major life lessons that I’ll carry with me everywhere I go.
I said it before and I’ll say it again. I have a lot of fur, which basically means that styling my fur will take twice as long than some other pups. Honestly, I haven’t found a YapTube tutorial yet that has helped me cut down on my styling time. However, doing my own hair has taught me the power of being patient with the process. What took my stylist one hour to do will take me two, or sometimes even three. I had to learn to be ok with it. Rushing the process only leads to damaged lifeless fur. And, no pup wants that.
There are several times we trick ourselves to think that we can’t do something. Well that’s a total myth. All we need is the courage to try and the dedication to keep working at it. Sure. We may have a few mis-steps and we may make a few mistakes along the way. However, if we keep practicing, eventually we’ll get the hang of it.
While I’ve gotten a lot out of this mini fur journey, I’ve grown more appreciative of my stylist. She puts a lot of love and care into my fur to make sure that it comes out looking beautiful. This process has taught me to be even more appreciative to the pups (and the humans) in your life who help you shine. The ones behind the scenes that play a role in making all your “crazy ideas” come true.
I thought pup business ownership taught me how to pivot and adapt to change. Nope. There’s no challenge that helps you learn how to adapt to change than styling your own fur. Let’s be real. You have to work the fur you have instead of it working you. Sound familiar. How many times have we walked into a situation and had to make it work for us. That’s life. So, applying that simple fur-losophy to your daily routine will help you solve any problem like a boss.
Any other pups out there had to do their own fur during this recent state of affairs? I’d love to hear from you.
What has styling your own fur taught you?
Please share your comments in the box below.
Styling my own fur has definitely been a learning curve. Good thing I’ve got experience in working my way through new situations. And, I always come out of these new situations stronger and wiser. Looking to try something new? Here are 4 Ways to Take Control of Any New Situation.