How Baking Pupcakes Can Help You with Your Financial Wellness Journey

How Baking Pupcakes Can Help You with Your Financial Wellness Journey

Money.  Let’s talk about it.  Finances is the top cause of stress according to the American Psychological Association (APA).  In a 2015 survey, the APA reported that 72% of Americans stressed about money at least some of the time during the previous month.  So, financial health and well-being is a major part of self-care.

But here’s the secret.  Baking pupcakes can help you get on track with your financial wellness journey.  And in this blog post, we’re showing you how.


First things first.  Financial wellness is about figuring out a healthy and balanced approach to managing money.  It involves being informed, making strategic decisions, and planning for your future.  For dog moms, this means making sure our dogs are included in the planning.  Expenses like vet bills, food, and other dog mom essentials can impact your financial situation. It can also impact the level of care you provide to yourself and family, including your dog.


Let’s look at the facts.  Millennials often prioritize their pet’s needs when making financial decisions.  In fact, a recent study conducted by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) found that 43% of households would be willing to move to accommodate their pet.

One in two Gen Zers and one in three Millennials stated that they would consider another job if their workplace was not pet friendly.  Residents in pet-friendly units stayed 21% longer than non-pet friendly units.  Millennials are also more likely to splurge on premium pet products and services, indicating a strong emotional and financial commitment to their pets’ well-being.


This may sound a little unconventional but pupcakes are what we do here.  So, baking pupcakes like these Blueberry Oatmeal Muffin Pupcakes in our eBook, Sugar’s Dish, is more than a way to bond with your dog.  It’s a lesson in budgetary and resource management.  Choosing to bake at home instead of buying expensive store-bought treats saves money, and it also encourages the habit of looking for cost-effective solutions in other aspects of life.

Reduced Spending on Store-Bought Treats

Baking your own pupcakes can significantly cut down the cost of purchasing commercially-made dog treats. Store-bought treats, especially high-quality or organic ones, can be quite expensive. By baking at home, you control the cost by selecting ingredients within your budget.

Bulk Buying of Ingredients

When you bake pupcakes regularly, you can buy ingredients in bulk, which often comes cheaper than purchasing small quantities. Flour, oats, peanut butter, and other pupcake ingredients typically have long shelf lives, making bulk purchasing a cost-effective option.

Control Over Portion Sizes

When you bake pupcakes yourself, you can determine the size of each treat. This control allows you to ration treats more effectively compared to store-bought ones, which may be larger and lead to quicker consumption.

Minimizing Waste

Baking pupcakes can be a great way to use up food items in your pantry that might otherwise go to waste. For instance, overripe bananas or leftover sweet potatoes can be turned into delicious pupcakes instead of being discarded. Especially, since you can freeze your pupcakes after baking.

Prevention of Health Issues

By baking your own pupcakes, you have complete control over the ingredients, ensuring that your dog avoids unhealthy additives and excessive sugar or salt. This can lead to better overall health for your pet, potentially reducing veterinary bills related to diet-induced issues.


Check this.  Baking pupcakes is great for saving money, but you can also make some extra money.  Here are five ways you can turn baking pupcakes into a side-hustle.

Pupcake Add-On Services

If you’re a dog sitter, dog-walker, groomer, etc., offer homemade pupcakes as a special treat for your clients’ pets. This small gesture can enhance your service and justify a slight increase in fees. The pupcake add-on service can also be used to help your client celebrate her dog’s birthday or other special occasion.

Sell at Local Markets

If you love to bake, sell your homemade pupcakes at community markets or events. This is also a great option if you’re already selling other products at a local market. For instance, if you’re already selling baked goods, you can add a pupcake as a dog-friendly offering for pet parents to give to their dog as a treat.

Online Sales

Set up an online store to sell your pupcake creations. Start with one recipe and expand as you get more familiar with selling your baked goods online.  It’s better to start with a simple pupcake recipe to keep it easy.  This way your pupcakes are easier to ship and will stay fresh in the package.

Pop-Up Pupcake Stands at Dog Parks

For those looking for an occasional side hustle, setting up a small stand selling homemade pupcakes at local dog parks or pet-friendly events can attract pet owners looking for a special treat for their dogs.

Pupcake Birthday Specials for Dog Daycares

If you operate a dog daycare, introduce birthday party packages that include pupcakes for the dogs. It not only gives your team a way to celebrate a dog’s special day, but it also gives all the dogs a chance to join in on the celebration.


When you’re new to baking pupcakes.  It’s great to start with something easy.  Also, you need something that is easy to transport.  These Blueberry Oatmeal Muffin Pupcakes from Sugar’s Dish are great.  Not only are they sweet, but blueberries are also a superfood for dogs.  The pupcakes also freeze easily, which means you can bake now and serve later.  These Blueberry Oatmeal Muffin Pupcakes also include only a few ingredients, which makes it cost effective to bake.

Blueberry Oatmeal Muffin Pupcakes

Pupcakes are a form of self-care.  The obvious reasons are the time you get to spend with your dog and baking is a meditative activity.  However, there are so many more self-care elements lined to baking pupcakes.  Financial wellness is one of them.  It not only gives you the chance to strategize your budget, but it gives you a chance to make extra money.

How do you practice financial wellness with your dog?  We’d love to hear your story.  Share your pupcake stories with us @pupcakesugar.

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Author: SMCountley

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About Pupcake Sugar

Pupcake Sugar is more than a place for your creativity to flourish. It’s an experience. And, most importantly, it’s a self-care vibe.