How I Used Data to Create a Mocktail Inspired Pupcakes

Pupcake Mocktails

Data tells a story.  Like the time it gave me a new idea for mocktail inspired pupcakes.

Every so often I try to change up my pupcakery menu.  I always keep the classics, like the basic peanut butter pupcakes or my blueberry muffins.  However, sometimes I like to switch it up a little and add something new for pups to try.

With spring’s arrival and summer on the horizon, pups are definitely ready to get out the house and mingle.  So, this was the perfect time to host a Yappy Hour and introduce a new pupcake flavor.

I spent some time trying to come up with something new.  I researched new food trends, went through my family recipes, and even asked a few pups what they’d like to see on the menu.  It wasn’t until I saw an article about the mocktail trend.

That’s when it hit me.  Mocktail inspired pupcakes.

Mocktails have become a real Yappy Hour trend over the last few years.  It’s the perfect end of the day wind down for those pups that aren’t into wine.  So, why not take it one step further and turn it into a pupcake.  It’s like I always say…

Trust your ‘crazy idea’ and see where it takes you.

And, this “crazy idea” was taking me down the road of a Pupcake Challenge and a food trend.  But, I couldn’t just focus on barking hot trends.  It had to make sense for the pups that come to Pupcake Sugar.  So, before I did any baking, I decided to look at my own data to get some inspiration.

I looked at the top pupcake flavors for Pupcake Sugar for the year and for each season and combed through my Pup-stagram page to see what pupcake flavors pups engaged with the most.  I even asked a few of my customers what were their favorite Yappy Hour cocktails.

As you can imagine, I had a lot of information by the end of my research.  However, the most common theme, to my surprise, was tropical flavor.  I guess everyone had their mind on summer vacation.  So, allow me to introduce these Piña Colada Pupcakes.

A tropical blend to get blend perfect for Yappy Hour and the kick off to those dog days of summer.  So, I was extremely excited to finally introduce them this past week.  However, I’d love to hear from you.

What’s your favorite mocktail recipe?  What flavor goes with your Yappy Hour?

Please share in the box below.

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Author: SMCountley

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About Pupcake Sugar

Pupcake Sugar is more than a place for your creativity to flourish. It’s an experience. And, most importantly, it’s a self-care vibe.