You ever hear the phrase, “Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it?”
Well that “you just might get it part” is no joke. Like many pup business owners, I worked a regular job while trying to get my pup business venture off the ground. My job? I was an Associate Marketing Manager for BarkScent Magazine.
While working at BarkScent, I came across a new job position that I was interested in, Marketing Manager. It wasn’t because of the actual job description that interested me. It was the fact that this new position would be a promotion, which essentially meant more money. And as a budding pup business owner, more money was definitely a necessity.
So, I applied to the position and marched into my manager’s office to explain to her why I’d be a great fit for the position. I had the experience, knowledge, and all those soft skills that would make me perfect for the position. And in true Sugar fashion, I even presented a portfolio highlighting all the proven work and success of my projects.
My manager was so impressed that she gave me the position two weeks later.
And two weeks after I started my new job, I realized I’d make a huge mistake. The newness of a new job and higher pay had completely worn off.
Nothing about this job allowed me to use my creativity that I could in my last position. I worked longer hours, which left less time to work on building my business. I was even working with a different team of pups that I didn’t fit in with.
I was miserable in this new job and the extra money was becoming less worth it. And honestly, I was becoming more and more discouraged to ask for the things that I wanted. This new position made me a little fearful that asking for “that thing” that I wanted would fail to turn out how I really wanted it to. So, for a while I just stopped asking.
There are so many articles, books and thought pieces on how female pups should have the courage to ask for what you want. But, what happens when you get that thing you’ve asked for and it’s not what you want?
After some deep pup soul searching and reflection, I realized that I was going about asking for what I wanted all wrong. It’s like Maya Angelou stated…
Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.
“Be prepared.” That’s the part that I was missing. How could I possibly ask for a job and not think about how I could affect other aspects of my life? How could I not do the proper work or research? If I had, I might’ve decided that this job wasn’t the right fit. I may have even determined a better way to bring in some extra cash to help with my pup business venture.
I even realized that I thought the promotion was the answer for more money because I was listening to what pup society was saying what I “should” have by now or where I “should” be in my pup career. I tell you. Never ask for something based off what other pups say that you “should” have. It’s another recipe for disaster.
Although this new job made me miserable for a short amount of time, it taught me more than any article could ever teach me. It taught me the value of clarity. Not just clarity in what I’m looking for, but also being clear on what I need to do to prepare for what I want.
So, as I move forward in setting new goals and aspirations, I have made a conscious effort to begin to prepare for it. For instance, if my schedule is going to change as the result of what I’m asking for, I do the best I can to change my schedule before I receive it. If I want something that’s going to require more pup dollars to maintain, I’ll start saving my money as if I already have it. I’ve learned that “Being prepared” will help you avoid all those pitfalls of “you just might get it.”
These Sweet Potato Pupcakes With Peanut Butter Frosting are dedicated to asking for what you want and being prepared to receive it.
And of course, we believe that every pupcake has a love story. So, while your favorite pup is PUPPY LOVIN’ on these pupcakes, we’d love to hear from you.
What do you do to get a little more clarity on your goals?
Please share your pupcake story in the box below.
Checkout the recipe below
After you’ve tried this recipe please share it with us @pupcakesugar on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or all three. We’d love to see how they turned out for you.
- 12 - 14 Mini Pupcakes
Sweet Potato Pupcakes
- 1/2 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
- 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
- 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
- 1/3 Cup Pureed Sweet Potatoes
- 1/3 Cup Plain Yogurt
- 1 Egg
Peanut Butter Cream Frosting
- 1/4 Cup Creamy Peanut Butter (unsalted with no added sugars)
- 3 Tablespoons Plain Yogurt
For Sweet Potato Pupcakes
- 1Preheat oven to 350° F. Line 12 – 14 1.75-inch mini-muffin pan with paper bake cups and set aside.
- 2In small bowl mix together, flour and baking powder. Set aside.
- 3In a large mixing bowl add olive oil, pureed sweet potatoes, yogurt and egg. Beat on medium speed about 2 minutes or until combined.
- 4Add dry ingredients into the mixture and blend for approximately 2 minutes until well mixed.
- 5Fill each cupcake liner with 1 tablespoon of pupcake mix.
- 6Bake pupcakes for 12 minutes. Pupcakes are done when you can stick a toothpick into the cake and it comes out clean. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack.
- 7Spread or pipe peanut butter cream frosting onto the pupcakes.
For Peanut Butter Frosting
- 1In large mixing bowl beat peanut butter and yogurt together on medium speed. Mix until creamy.
- 2Spread or pipe peanut butter frosting onto the pupcakes.
Pupcake Sugar in no way provides any warranty, express or implied, relating to any recipes on this website. The recipes are based on Sugar’s personal experiences with them. Please be aware that your pup may have allergies or other conditions that may make the recipes not suitable for their lifestyle— consult with your vet as needed or roll with your judgment as the pet parent in charge. Pupcake Sugar is not liable for upset tummies or any other outcomes of experimenting with our recipes on this site.